Make My BlogPosts Look Better


Right now I find my blog posts just ugly.

  • The H2 titles are larger than my main title.
  • The H2 titles and paragraphs are way out of whack in terms of size (paragraph text is small by default)
  • The overall look has no style or flavour

I’ve tried changing the text size for paragraphs and titles but I have to do it for each block and it takes forever. And it still looks amateurish.

Right now I create my blogposts on the main wp-admin page, by clicking Add New. I use Blocks by default.

Are there templates I can choose from? Can I make my own design and use it by default?

Thanks for your help!

Here’s a look.

Hi Steve,

Thank you for reaching out to us. I’d recommend you to use Cornerstone to create posts. Using Cornerstone you can also save your post as a template and then use it on other posts. You can also make your own design using Cornerstone and use it on all pages by loading your saved template. Please checkout our detailed guide here

To enable Cornerstone on posts please see

If you’d like to make changes in your current post layout (decreasing H2 font size and paragraphs font size etc) then you can add the following code in the Theme Options > CSS:

.single-post h2 {
    font-size: 180%;
.single-post p {
    margin-bottom: 0;
    font-size: 125%;

Hope this helps!

Thanks Nabeel, the only drawback i see with this approach is that Yoast is no longer able to analyse my content to see if it’s SEO. do you know of a workaround?

Hi @sdiguer,

It’s known issue due to v2 elements, but should be fixed on next or future updates. For now, you can opt-out with cornerstone editing, or use classic elements.


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