Lottie animation on scroll

OK, i have the Pro theme, now i have an empty column, how would i integrate a lottie scroll animation ? Any ideas ? I only need roughly the idea. I am a pro, know the rest how to do. What Element would i insert into the column ?

Hi @Flaviu,

Thanks for reaching out.

Regretfully, currently, we don’t have any options or elements to implement the Lottie animations. To add the Lottie animation using bodymovin.js.
You can find more information on bodymovin and implementation of it: https://airbnb.io/lottie/#/web
Also, you can find many of the same Lottie animations here: https://lottiefiles.com/

Hope it helps.


Yes, but can i use the raw/js content to implement lottie ? Would that work ? Or do i just loose time.

Hi @Flaviu,

You can implement the raw js and other content but suggested the customization is to be implemented into the child theme.
I would suggest you hire a developer for the customization or can also avail of our newly launched service called One, where we answer all customization questions.

You can also try the free plugins for a full page in the WordPress repository: https://wordpress.org/plugins/tags/lottie/

Please remember that we don’t offer any support to third party plugin and custom codes or any issues related to it.


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