Losing Component content used as Global Block!

We’ve used the function of creating various elements with the exporting function and then including parameters on pages to control the content. It is a great function WHEN IT WORKS.

A few times now we’ve “LOST” all our elements on our sites and when going to the component all elements that was created are gone, page is EMPTY, all our design GONE.

Why is this happening? Anybody else have this issue??

Please urgently assist this is causing massive issues throughout our websites


Please we really need help with this as it causing major problems on our web pages.

Hi Leon,

Unfortunately, the given credentials are not working. Can you please check and send it once again ?


Apologies, just added new secure note

Hello Leon,

I checked your site it seems that the comment is rendering fine at the moment. It might be the issue of browser cache I would suggest you please clear your browser cache and recheck it. If the issue persists please let us know the exact URL so that we can check it on our end.


Hi there,
Previously one of the themeco staff commented:
"Thanks for writing in! Did you save the Component as a template or just the specific component element? We would love to log in and check your original component and test the import/export to our local test server. "

Could you comment on this and perhaps explain what he meant?
We’ve created a component. In that component we created an element which we then export with parameters to be used throughout various areas in the website. I’ve looked at some of the videos of themeco and can’t seem to see any different way of doing it.

This is a massive problem. A few times now across two of our sites the content of the component where elements are saved “disappears” and even full components(global blocks) disappear showing an error on the used section that no data is contained,

Hi there,

Is anybody able to assist with this topic?

Hi there,

I really need help with this topic!
I’ve just experienced the issue again!

This time with my header content disappearing!
We’ll have to consider using a different theme if this continues as it affects our sites too often.

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