Looper with rows of alternating color

Hi team,

I’m creating a meet the team page for a dentist office. For the section that has the doctors, I have set up a looper. The provider is the section and is using the query builder to pull on the CPT “employee” with taxonomy of “dentist”.

The row is the consumer.

I would like for each new row to be a different color. Is there any way to do this? I know if my provider was JSON, I could do it, but can i do it with my current setup? If so, how and if not, is there another way?

Note that I’m building this site on a local install so don’t have login deatils to provide. You can see the current site (which I’m rebuilding in local to see the effect I’m going for - https://gentlecreekdental.com/meet-the-team/)


Hi Ashley,

Unfortunately, that is not possible to add different colors to each row through the Looper. But you can set two different colors to alternative rows using the custom CSS code.


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