Looper URL not Working

Hey Team -

Third attempt here! I built my own shop page using Loopers. Only problem is that the product URL looper that I implemented on the Buy Now button is completely incorrect. I’m not sure how I messed that up? Instead of https://akroast.warwebstaging.com/shop/aurora-breakfast/ (correct), I’m getting a completely wrong URL trying to call the product by item # and the wrong shop address: https://akroast.warwebstaging.com/shop-2/18 (wrong). How can I fix this?

Password to the site is: roast

Forgive me…the shop address is https://akroast.warwebstaging.com/shop/

The URL is now pulling up the correct shop address, but it calling products by number instead of name.

This is what the button calls up: https://akroast.warwebstaging.com/shop/16
This is what it should be calling up: https://akroast.warwebstaging.com/shop/alpenglow/

Hi @warwebdesigns,

Thanks for reaching out.
I have checked your Shop page thoroughly and found that the Looper Consumer is set to Column and Figure both. I would suggest you change the structure and set the Looper Provider to the Column or Row and set the Looper Consumer to Grid or Cell. I have created a test page, please check and replicate the same. You may need to adjust the column structure as per your design.

Hope it helps.

It helps and it doesn’t. Looking at the two pages side by side, I’m not seeing why your created page will not display in a grid like mine will. My page doesn’t function correctly, but it LOOKS right. I need the page that you created to look correct and display in a grid. I’m not seeing why it will work for my page and not for yours. Any thoughts?

Here’s my test page. I got everything to go straight across, but I’m missing rows. https://akroast.warwebstaging.com/shop-2/

Last item - all of the animations happen on each product when clicking on one. That’s got to be fixed as well.

Disregard. I found all problems and fixed.

Hey @warwebdesigns.

We’re glad that you’re able to figure it out!


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