Looper Not Showing All Products


I’m using loopers throughout my client’s WooCommerce store to great effect - but today, I’ve encountered an issue which I cannot resolve.

On the ‘Sale’ page - there should be ~30 items - but only 12 are showing. I’ve set a maximum in the looper provider and consumer of 1000 - which works on other pages. However, for some unknown reason, the sale page is not showing all the products.

Can someone take a look and see where I’m going wrong?

Client Site



Hello Tyler,

Thanks for writing to us.

It might be the issue of custom code or plugin conflict issue I would suggest you please troubleshoot the common with our common issue guideline before we check your settings. If it doesn’t work for you please clone your live site to the staging server and share the admin login details of the staging server so we can check it without breaking your live site.


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