Hi, I’m inserting a part of code into the original looper that should fetch the svg image from URL. So I modified the code like this. I detect two problems, one the image does not resize and two I find the reference to the image tag in the slide under the svg
JSON looper
"company" : "Marvel",
"svg" : "<svg version=\"1.1\" id=\"Layer_1\" xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2000\/svg\" x=\"0\" y=\"0\" viewBox=\"0 0 2500 1000\" xml:space=\"preserve\"><path style=\"fill: #ef141e;\" d=\"M0 0v1000h2500V0H0zm2115.6 233.1h-136.7v189.7h136.7v153.3h-136.7v192.5h136.7v151h-288.1v-761l-121.4 761-177.7.5s-90.6-539-90.8-540.1c14.7 87.1-40.4 178.1-89.1 214l96.2 325.5h-.4l.1.2H1295L1221.6 642l-35.4 5.1v272.5h-.4v.2h-.2l-288.9-.2L879 790.5H760.6l-17.8 129.1H448.6V514.9l-68.5 404.7H299l-69.4-404.7v404.7H77V80h193.8l68 433.8L408.6 80h193.8l-.1 772.3L718.8 79.9l202.5.1 112.6 745.4.6-745.4s153.8-.1 154.7 0c139.2 0 202.5 101.6 220.3 136.6L1392.3 80h154.5l69.7 511.4L1687.1 80h428.5v153.1zM2423 919.4h-281V79.8h151.4v688.7H2423v150.9z\"\/><path style=\"fill: #ef141e;\" d=\"M1187 230h-.8v270c11.9 0 24.1-2.8 35.9-8.5 35.6-17.2 65.9-60.1 65.9-128.1 0-129.9-89.1-133.5-101-133.4zM778.6 657.3h85.3l-43.4-359-41.9 359z\"\/><\/svg>",
"height" : "1em",
"positionTop" : "0em"
"company" : "DC",
"url" : "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3d/DC_Comics_logo.svg",
"height" : "1em",
"positionTop" : "0em"
Raw Content
{{dc:looper:field key="svg"}}
{{<img src="{{dc:looper:field key="url"}}" alt="artein3d">}}