Looper consumer - Fetch specific tags


I am trying to fetch specific tags from a portfolio item, into the portfolio item page.
I am using a div element with a Looper Provider (see image).

I set up to be a Query Builder type for Portfolio item and I chose only the tags I want to be fetched, on taxonomy.
Inside the div, I have a text element with a Looper Consumer to all items.

Now, I don´t seem to find the correct term to use on the text field to actually consume the tag list im providing.

What am I missing?

Hello @PanInternational,

Thanks for writing in!

Based on the screenshot above, you are fetching portfolio items from specific taxonomies. If you want to display the tags of the portfolio item, you will have to create another looper inside the looper consumer and use the “Current Post Terms”.
Screen Shot 2021-03-04 at 11.22.34 AM

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Hi @ruenel,

Thank you for your reply.
I am a bit confused with your explanation. I thought we should only have a Looper consumer inside a Looper provider, not the other way around.

Anyway, please find the details on a secure note.

Hi @PanInternational,

Thanks! The screenshot helps. If this is a Single Layout you could actually just use the “Current Post Terms” looper directly and it will get the terms of the current post. One quick way to see this in action is to drag in one of the “Terms” elements (there are three different designs).

Loopers can be nested inside of each other. To see this in action, try out the following

  • Create a new test page and add a section with a single column
  • Drag a “Posts (List)” element into the Column
  • Drag a “Terms (Minimal)” element and place it under the post title.
  • Inspect the “List Item” element that you get from the Terms element
  • Under Customize, change the Looper Provider type to “Current Post Terms”

The end result is you will see a list of posts and each post will output the Categories associated with it. And you’ll have full styling control at every level.

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