Looper: Child Pages of Specific Page ID

Hey Guys,

Could someone please advise on the looper Provider setup for referencing all Child pages of a specific Parent Page.

I can see that you can select a preset for “Current Page Children”, but I’d like to be able to point to a specific Parent and loop from it’s children.

I’ve had a good look around, but could not find what I was looking for.

I’d imagine it’s something like setting the looper provider to be a custom query, and using something like page_child=“213” or something.

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you!

Hello @el3ctrofuzz,

Thanks for writing in!

The Looper: Current Page Children, can only be used on a parent page especially you want to display the current page children of the current page that you are viewing. You cannot use it on any other page or homepage and target a particular page that has child pages.

Best Regards.

Hey Ruenel,

Thanks for the response.

Yeah, I appreciate you can’t point that preset provider to another page. My question is, can you provide the information for me to be able to put a custom query that means I can point to a specific parent page and loop it’s children?

I feel I should be something along these lines, but I actually don’t know what I’m talking about:


Please can you help?

Thank you

Hello @el3ctrofuzz,

You can use the Looper Provider Query String instead post_type=page&post_parent=213
Screen Shot 2021-10-16 at 9.54.46 AM

For more details about the WP Query, you can check this out:

Kindly let us know how it goes.

Hey @ruenel,

Thank you! That worked perfectly. In case any else reads this, obviously replace “213” with whatever your page ID is.

I think this is a massively underrated use case. I can now loop in dynamic elements of child pages!

Thanks again Reunel.

You are most welcome, Tom!

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