Login redirect - buddypress

Hi Team,

A request for assistance to better understand and hopefully update the several instances of “Login” throughout the theme. We have a thirdparty plugin that has redirected the Login link in most of the links on the site but there are 3 or 4 that are still pointing to the wp login page. Is there a general setting or buddypress setting, or code update or maybe an additional plugin you can recommend to streamline this link throughout the site in all instances - that all “Login” links lead to our designated page?

Quick update - I did try to add this code to our child theme functions.php but it will not save when copied and pasted as is. It looks like I could edit my way through it but for some reason it will not add to the above file.

I get this error “Unable to communicate back with site to check for fatal errors, so the PHP change was reverted. You will need to upload your PHP file change by some other means, such as by using SFTP.”

Hello @DeeDesign,

The PHP code from the other thread should be able to help you in modifying the links of the BuddyPress menu items. It does not save maybe because of file permission. You will need to add it manually to your child theme’s functions.php file instead. Please log in to your FTP or SFTP and then edit the child theme’s functions.php file and add the code.

Hope this helps.

Thanks RueNel,

Got it to work so far!!

You are most welcome!

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