Licenses not appearing

I have 4 X theme licenses - only 2 of them are showing in the license panel.
When I try to re-add them I am unable to do so. When I try to add them via my wordpress site, it is telling me that the license is already in use and directing me back to my themeco license panel - where I can’t ‘manage’ them because they aren’t appearing.

I don’t’ want to post the license codes on the forum - please email me at for the license codes that are missing.
thank you, Amber

Hey Amber,

I’m sorry but we do not have email support. Please post the licenses in a Secure Note so we could check what email was used to register them. Once you know the email, you can reset the password and receive the reset link in your mailbox and rest the Apex password, You can then login to that account and unlock your licenses so you can transfer them to your current account.


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