License codes already registered but not showing in either of my apex accounts

Hi I have four envato Theme X licenses and my apex accounts only show two one on each account ( I would like to consolidate my accounts in any event). When I try to add the other two license purchase codes it tells me they are already registered, I don’t believe I have another Apex account but maybe I do?

If I provide you with the envato Purchase Codes are you able to help me get these two licenses registered and consolidated on one account?


Hey Neil,

We could check the email registered to your licenses however, we can’t consolidate the licenses into one account. Please post the license keys in a Secure Note.

Licenses needs to be unlocked in the licenses page then it will be opened for new registration or added to an existing account by the license owner.

To unlock a license, click on the padlock button beside the license key in the licenses page.


Hope that helps.

Thanks Christian I will send the licences that in question in a secure note shortly.


Hello Neil,

Please see the secure note for the license codes that were used to register to the different APEX accounts.


Great thank you very much I can sort that out now.


You’re most welcome, Neil.

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