LCP is at 15ms for 104kb image on mobile

I’m hoping someone can help me understand and fix a problem with a bg image taking 15ms to paint on a phone, when it is only a 104 kb image.

The same image on a desktop doesn’t have an issue.

Thanks n advance!

Screenshot 2025-02-06 100628|690x464

Thank you for the inquiry.

You can upload a smaller image—by “small”, I mean one with smaller dimensions. Another option is to preload the image to improve LCP. You can use this plugin for that.

Let us know if this helps.

Best regards,

@comstarsupport I tried adding loading=eager as a data attribute on the image itself to improve and do it without an additional plugin. I asked about that in another forum post, because currently it applies it to the span wrapper around the image, not the img tag itself, but it’s currently not possible. I was going to try making a custom component, utilizing raw html tags, and using that instead of the native img element. I’ll report back here if I get it to work

Hey @Jonson,

Thanks for chiming in! We really appreciate you sharing the result of your test.


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