Latest Update has broken Google Fonts

Have just updated to 8.0.4 and now all the Google Fonts appear to be the same. The font I was using for Headings - Baloo Da is not available so I chose Baloo Da 2 and it is not displaying the font in the correct style. Basically every different font style now appears to be the same or the style is not available so it defaults to a standard looking font style. Do you guys know about this issue since the update has gone live and what is the fix for this please? I have had to settle for a font style I’m not totally happy with just because I cannot choose any others since the update and this has impacted the look and feel of the website.

Please help ASAP


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Hello @freetipscout,

Thanks for writing to us.

Please check out this thread to learn more how to set up the font.

Hope it helps

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