Issue wtih LayerSlide on main page


Need some assistance with an issue using the LayerSlider I am encountering. My production site just went live. My current URL is This is technically the “home” page. The layerslider that I have created works in layerslider, but does not show up on this main site address. In WP, here is how I have it set.

In WP, the page that is home,, the layer slider does show up that. How do I get the layer slider to show up on the main site address? I know the layer slider has a shortcode, but if I put that on the, I have 2 sliders. I want the slider on the page. Am I missing something? Any assistance or help would be appreciated.

Hello @PhotographerPC,

Thank you for the inquiry.

Are you referring to the slider below the main menu? Please provide the login details in the secure note so that we can check the settings.

Best regards.

Secure note sent Ismael.

Thank you for the inquiry.

Please note that your current “Home” page is not editable because it is a predefined template, so you can’t add the slider there. Technically, you don’t have a home page yet because the Settings > Reading > Your homepage displays option is set to display posts. We changed this setting to display the Home page and then edited the Home page to look similar to the temporary home page, displaying the latest posts or products.

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Let us know if you need more info.

Best regards.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

It does look like what I want but much of the styling in the font with the excerpt and headers, link colors don’t match the rest of the site, number of posts listed should show 10, Leave a comment is gone and the opaque black hover over the featured image in the post is not there on hover. The attached image is before hover

This is after hover:

I believe I have figured it out to display the way that I would like Ismael. Under the Settings > Reading I changed the post page to Home and that seems to have corrected all the issues previously noted.
Screenshot 2025-03-10 130854

The team for the Ethos X and Pro have been incredibly helpful and responsive. Thanks to all for the assistance. Great customer service!

Hey @PhotographerPC,

We’re glad that my colleague was able to help you with your concerns.

Thank you.