Issue with .x-graphic-icon colour when creating a button component


I am developing some components for a site, and have set up my own button component wrapped around the button element in Cornerstone.

I have a few simple controls set up as below:

And I am piping these parameters from the component into the button.
The issue occurs with the colour of the Icon in the button.

As you can see in the controls, there is just one Color control, which I then insert into both the text color and icon color to keep things simple.

This selected colour is not being applied to the icon at all, despite being applied to the text. You can see in the screenshot below that the color selected above is not being applied to the icon.

Strangely, the hover or alt color is being applied correctly to both text and icon.

When inspecting the component, there is no color being applied to the .x-graphic-icon element at all. Below are the styles for the this element:

Compared to a fresh button element without any customisation except for turning on the graphic:

Strangely, when I remove the parameter dynamic content from the Graphic Icon » Color control, there is still no color applied, and it is just receiving the default color for a link.

This is the copied JSON for the component, copied from the Dev Tools, and which can be pasted onto a regular Button element to replicate the issue.

{"_type":"button","_bp_base":"4_4","_c_export":true,"_c_id":"ZxtxB5Kv42Fcpjp1G0","_label":"Button Inline","_p_json":"{\n  \"setup\" : {\n    \"type\" : \"group\",\n    \"params\" : {\n      \"text\" : \"text|Button text\",\n      \"url\" : \"text|#\",\"include_icon\" : {\n    \"type\" : \"choose\",\n    \"label\" : \"Icon\",\n    \"initial\" : \"no\",\n      \"options\" : [\n        {\"value\" : \"yes\", \"icon\" : \"check\"},\n        {\"value\" : \"no\", \"icon\" : \"times\"}\n      ]\n    },\n    \"icon\" : {\n      \"type\" : \"fa-icon\",\n      \"label\" : \" \",\n      \"initial\" : \"angle-right\",\n      \"when\" : \"eq(include_icon,'yes')\"\n    },\n      \"color\" : { \n\t      \"type\" : \"color-pair\",\n        \"initial\" : {\n          \"base\" : \"global-color:link\",\n          \"alt\" : \"global-color:link\"\n        }\n      },\n      \"font-size\" : {\n        \"type\" : \"font-size\",\n        \"initial\" : \"1em\",\n        \"isVar\" : true\n      }\n    }\n  },\n  \"design\" : {\n    \"type\" : \"group\",\n    \"params\" : {\n      \"margin\" : {\n        \"type\" : \"group\",\n        \"noPicker\" : true,\n        \"params\" : {\n          \"top\" : {\n            \"type\" : \"margin\",\n            \"default\" : \"0px\",\n            \"isVar\" : true,\n            \"labelBefore\" : \"css:margin-top\"\n          },\n          \"bottom\" : {\n            \"type\" : \"margin\",\n            \"default\" : \"0px\",\n            \"label\" : \"bttm\",\n            \"isVar\" : true,\n            \"labelBefore\" : \"css:margin-top\"\n          }\n        }\n      },\n      \"typography\" : {\n        \"type\" : \"group\",\n        \"noPicker\" : true,\n        \"params\" : {\n          \"font-family\" : \"font-family|global-ff:body\",\n          \"font-weight\" : {\n            \"type\" : \"font-weight\",\n            \"initial\" : \"global-fw:body|fw-normal\"\n          },\n          \"line-height\" : \"line-height|inherit\",\n          \"transform\" : {\n            \"type\" : \"choose\",\n            \"offValue\" : \"\",\n            \"initial\" : \"\",\n            \"options\" : [\n              { \"value\" : \"uppercase\", \"label\" : \"TT\" },\n              { \"value\" : \"capitalize\", \"label\" : \"Tt\" },\n              { \"value\" : \"lowercase\", \"label\" : \"tt\" }\n            ]\n          }\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  },\n  \"effects\" : {\n    \"type\" : \"group\",\n    \"params\" : {\n      \"enable-scroll-effect\" : \"boolean-numerical|1\"\n    }\n  }\n}","_p_local":{"design":{"typography":[],"caret":[]},"setup":{"color":{"base":"global-color:link","alt":"global-color:link"},"include_icon":"yes"}},"anchor_base_font_size":"{{dc:p:setup.font-size}}","anchor_bg_color":"transparent","anchor_border_radius":"!0.35em","anchor_box_shadow_dimensions":"!0em 0.15em 0.65em 0em","anchor_flex_align":"baseline","anchor_flex_direction":"row-reverse","anchor_graphic":true,"anchor_graphic_icon":"{{dc:p:setup.icon}}","anchor_graphic_icon_color":"{{dc:p:setup.color.base}}","anchor_graphic_icon_color_alt":"{{dc:p:setup.color.alt}}","anchor_graphic_icon_font_size":"0.85em","anchor_graphic_icon_type":"svg","anchor_graphic_icon_width":"1em","anchor_graphic_interaction":"x-anchor-scale-up","anchor_graphic_margin":"0.35em 0.2em 0.35em 0.2em","anchor_href":"{{dc:p:setup.url}}","anchor_margin":"{{}} 0em {{dc:p:design.margin.bottom}} -0.2em","anchor_padding":"!0.575em 0.85em 0.575em 0.85em","anchor_primary_font_family":"{{dc:p:design.typography.font-family}}","anchor_primary_font_weight":"{{dc:p:design.typography.font-weight}}","anchor_primary_particle":true,"anchor_primary_particle_color":"{{dc:p:setup.color.alt}}","anchor_primary_particle_height":"0.1em","anchor_primary_particle_location":"b_l","anchor_primary_particle_scale":"scale-x","anchor_primary_particle_transform_origin":"0% 50%","anchor_primary_particle_width":"calc(100% - 1.2em)","anchor_primary_text_color":"{{dc:p:setup.color.base}}","anchor_primary_text_color_alt":"{{dc:p:setup.color.alt}}","anchor_primary_text_transform":"{{dc:p:design.typography.transform}}","anchor_text_margin":"0.35em 0.2em 0.35em 0.2em","anchor_text_primary_content":"{{dc:p:setup.text}}","css":"{% if p.setup.include_icon == 'no' %}\n$el.x-anchor .x-graphic {\n  display: none;\n}\n\n$el > .is-primary {\n  width: 100%;\n}\n{% endif %}","effects_opacity_exit":"calc(1 - {{dc:p:effects.enable-scroll-effect fallback=\"1\"}})","effects_scroll":true,"effects_transform_exit":"translate(0px, calc(1rem * {{dc:p:effects.enable-scroll-effect fallback=\"1\"}}))"}

I have tried copying the above code across to another website, and the issue persists.

I have also tested setting up a new component, with a new button and only adding the color control, and the issue is not present.

I’m not sure what has happened to the code of my component, but something has broken, and I cannot figure it out!

Any help would be greatly apprecaited

Hello @connexxions,

Thank you for the inquiry.

We tried copying the JSON parameters onto a Button, but it caused the page to break. Unfortunately, we’re not sure what caused the issue. It seems to be working correctly on a standard Button element. Would you mind posting the test page and login credentials in the secure note? We’d like to check the custom component.

Best regards,

Yes strangely when I try to set up a new button with a similar set-up it works as expected.

I did manage to narrow it down to something to do with the icon being loaded via WebFonts / SVG, which has led me to finding the issue.

When the Font Awesome global options are set as follows:

Load Type: WebFont
Element load types: false

my custom component was experiencing the issue as detailed above.

However, setting Element load types to true, or changing Load Type to SVG fixed the issue.

The problem lies within the button element, where there is a hidden option, accessible only via the Inspector, for anchor_graphic_icon_type, which for my custom element was set to svg.

Changing this option to webfont fixes the problem.

This was a bit tricky to find as, although there appears to be a global option for enabling Element load types, there was no control showing up.

If you need access to the problem component, I can share in a secure note, however I have now implemented the fix as I need to continue with other development. Hopefully with the above information it is possible to recreate even on a fresh button, adding a colour parameter and setting the icon colour to that, and also setting the hidden anchor_graphic_icon_type to svg whilst the global Font Awesome option is set to Webfont

Hello Jakob,

Glad to know that you figured out the issue. We’ve tested this with only these parameters (see below) and the icon color is still applied as expected or it still works, so the issue probably lies with the other parameters, which conflict with the Font Awesome load type, but we can’t be sure unless we’re able to reproduce the issue. Unfortunately, applying the complete parameters produced an error when we loaded them to a button.

  "_type": "button",
  "_label": "Button Inline",
  "_p_json": "{\n  \"setup\" : {\n    \"color\" : { \n      \"type\" : \"color-pair\",\n      \"initial\" : {\n        \"base\" : \"global-color:link\",\n        \"alt\" : \"global-color:link\"\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}",
  "_p_local": {
    "setup": {
      "color": {
        "base": "global-color:link",
        "alt": "global-color:link"
  "anchor_graphic_icon_type": "svg",
  "anchor_graphic_icon_color": "{{dc:p:setup.color.base}}",
  "anchor_graphic_icon_color_alt": "{{dc:p:setup.color.alt}}"

Please let us know if you have more questions about the theme.

Have a nice day.

Best regards,

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