Issue with Custom Post Rendering on Reports Page


I’m experiencing an issue with one of my custom posts on the reports page. The rendering keeps getting showing the wrong image sporadically. At times, instead of displaying the correct report, it shows a media image that isn’t even related to the report.

It keeps randomly reverting to the incorrect rendering shown in the second screenshot. The proper display should match the first screenshot. When I purge the cache, it temporarily fixes the issue, restoring the correct rendering, but then it randomly reverts back to the incorrect image again.
This is the URL:
Please click on the reports and testimony tab and you should see the issue.

Please advise on how to resolve this issue.

Thank you.

Hello @Jennine,

Thank you for the inquiry.

We were able to reproduce the issue, but it was fixed after purging the cache. It didn’t revert back to the old version afterward. It’s possible that the “old” page was from the Speed Optimizer’s File-Based Caching, which created a static HTML version of the old page and served it to new visitors. We adjusted the clean-up interval of the File-Based Caching from 1 week to 24 hours to make sure the latest versions of the pages are served. You can revert it back to 1 week once you’re completely done editing the site.

Best regards.

Thank you for your response. Yes, I know how to purge the cache, but the issue keeps coming back, which is my concern.

Yes, we understand. As mentioned above, it’s possible that this is a page served via File-Based Caching. Hopefully, it will be replaced with the latest version of the page after 24 hours. Let us know if the issue occurs again.

ok will do thank you! :grinning:

You’re welcome! We’ll keep the thread open. Have a nice day.

Hello. It has reverted back to the wrong images. Please advise.

We can confirm that the issue persists. We have temporarily disabled File-Based Caching and manually purged the cache in the Speed Optimizer plugin. Please wait another 24 hours and let us know if the issue returns. Thank you for your patience.