Issue with column width -- x-row-inner seem to calculate space on side of column


I recently changed a site to the pro theme and I’m having difficulty getting a full width colum to look correct. There is a large amount of space on the side of every colum. I’ve looked for any external css that might be causeing the issue but can’t seem to find anything. I’m wondering if you can please take a look.

When I inspect the code, I see .m1pi-w and .x-row-inner but I can’t figure out how to adjust this so i can get the default site width.

even when using a new layout in Cornerstone, I’m unable to create a full width column. When i do create a new column, it is few hundred pixels wide.

Look forward to any assistance you can provide.

Hello @morpheus,

Thanks for writing to us.

To get a full-width column layout, please have a look at this thread. I noticed that you are not using the X/Pro theme to your given site URL at the moment. I would suggest you use your Pro theme. Please note we don’t provide any third-party theme support. It is out of the support scope.

Thanks for understanding

Hi, Thank you for your reply.

Make sure you are looking at the development site. I am using the pro theme. Please look at the correct site (as per the directions in the secure note).

Yes, I am aware of the Global container setting and the template selection. I have attempted to change both of these items.

Unfortunately, none of these solutions addres the issue i’m having.

I’ve attached an image from the admin of the site. Even with nothing on the page, you can see the site is using a narrow colum for content. No idea where it’s getting this information from.

Hi @morpheus,

I have checked the example URL you have given and found that your website is not using the X or Pro. I have also tried to check by login into the website, but unfortunately, the given WordPress admin URL is not accessible and shows 404. If you have deactivated the Pro intentionally in your website, I would suggest you please copy your live site to a staging server and activate the Pro in it and give us access in the secure note including:

– WordPress Site URL & Login URL
– WordPress Admin username/password

To create a secure note, click the key icon underneath any of your posts.


I changed the DNS to point to the development server. The dev site is now live.

Can you see the correct site now? it has a blue graphic on top.

Hello @morpheus,

Actually, you are looking in the wrong element. Your issue is because of the maximum width setting of 36em in the Column element.

And if you set the maximum width to 100% or none, your content area which is also your Column width should be wider.

Kindly let us know how it goes.

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