Internet Explorer 11 Problem


In reference to my reply in another post. Just to reiterate, the menu sticks in all other browsers, just not IE 11

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Hi there,

Thanks for writing in.

That’s weird, I tried all setup and none is working in IE. The issue is that x-bar-fixed is not being added as it’s scroll, it seems that the javascript is not being triggered.

Please disable your hosting cache as I suggested to your other topic too (SiteGround). This is my first time seeing this and I can’t reproduce this on any of my installation. Like your other topic, I noticed a lot of malformed HTML.


Thanks @iam. Cache already disabled…

Malformed HTML. Apart from the blog posts, which I imported from my old site, everything else has been created in Pro.


I was able to replicate this issue in my test site.

I will forward this as a bug.

Kindly stay tuned for updates.


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Thanks for the info

Thanks for understanding. :slight_smile:


we are running into the same issue. Could you might give an indication if it will be fixed in the next release and when that roughly would be?

Thank you very much in advance.

Hi @mamu157,

Thank you for writing around! We’ve it in queue and it will be fixed soon.

Please stay tuned.