Inner Slider having JS Issues

The images in my inner slider are not displaying on my live site. Below is the error I am seeing in the console:

x.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘rivet’) at x.js:1:2464 at x.js:1:32062

(anonymous) @ x.js:1
(anonymous) @ x.js:1

cs-text-type.7.4.4.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘rivet’) at cs-text-type.7.4.4.js:1:4010 at cs-text-type.7.4.4.js:1:4272

(anonymous) @ cs-text-type.7.4.4.js:1
(anonymous) @ cs-text-type.7.4.4.js:1

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘rivet’)
at cs-sliders.7.4.4.js:1:45
at cs-sliders.7.4.4.js:1:21811

This happened after I updated PRO. I have cleared all of my site cache along with the CDN cache, and it did not fix the issue.

Hello @pbentoncron,

Thanks for writing to us.

I checked your settings it seems that it is an issue with the cache I would suggest you please purge all the cache from the cache plugin temporarily deactivate the cache plugin( Speed Optimizer) and recheck it. Please note you must troubleshoot the common issue before posting a new thread.


Hello @pbentoncron,

I checked your site on my end it seems that the slider is working fine on my end. I would suggest you please purge all the cache and recheck it. I have tested it on Google Chrome browser version 119.0.6045.199. If the issue persists please let us know the browser and its version.


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