In touch screen devices, CS Navigation inline element Top link (with sub links) causes errors when being tapped


Note: in order to test it, because it is a touch event related issue, you must have the Toggle device toolbar active in the browser’s developer tools and select a touch screen device with a wide screen –not a smartphone nor a tablet, to do so set Dimensions to “Responsive” and drag the width to a minimum of 980px– then, refresh (load again) the page:

The errors are the following:

  • cs-classic.7.4.19.js?ver=7.4.19:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: Cannot access ‘v’ before initialization
    at HTMLAnchorElement.h (cs-classic.7.4.19.js?ver=7.4.19:1:71674)
    h @ cs-classic.7.4.19.js?ver=7.4.19:1

  • cs-classic.7.4.19.js?ver=7.4.19:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘preventDefault’)
    at cs-classic.7.4.19.js?ver=7.4.19:1:71518
    at HTMLAnchorElement.r (cs-classic.7.4.19.js?ver=7.4.19:1:14106)

Here you have a screenshot of the errors:


Hi Diego,

Thanks for reaching out.
I have checked your website as you described in your screenshots but didn’t find any issue as shown.

If you are still having this issue, please mention the device, browser name and version, and also the operating system you are using, that helps us to replicate the issue at our end.


Hi Tristup,

Thanks for your prompt response and also for the screencast.

I am still having the issue. Here you have the information you have asked for:

  • Google Chrome Version 125.0.6422.61 (Official Build) (x86_64).

  • iMac (27-inch, Late 2013) running macOS Catalina 10.15.7.


Appreciate the info regarding touch devices and the navigation dropdown. We’ll have this fixed in a release or two. Have a great day.

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Hi Charlie. Thanks for taking care of this!

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