
– posted earlier on the regular forum, but was asked by @ruenel to post it here –


I’m doubting a bit if this should be posted here or in the beta-forum. Feel free to move it :grinning:
In the upcoming 6.5.0 release there will be a ‘Image Lightbox Gallery’. I absolutely applaud that. I’ve been missing the simple option to add a ligthbox to an image-element for years now. As it looks, there’s finally something coming up for galleries. Which is great!
But galleries are complex, compared to single images. May I suggest to add default lightboxes to the single Image element as well, instead of having to use either the old shortcode or upcoming release of gallery solution?

Or am I missing something here, and is there by now a simple way to add a lightbox to a single image?

I can setup another template for a single image lightbox. We’re going to setup another template for ACF galleries as well. Have a great day.

so these are no native elements? how do you handle the “lightbox/modal” that it is responsive? i had problems when i used it as “lightbox” because it was not super responsive. => when image should be fuulscreen in height and width… so it does fit the screen… so in some cases i had problems on desktop/mobile.

also interesting: how can i handle it when the acf gallery is inside a repeater field? the trigger has to be unique?

thanks in advance

Sounds good. But perhaps something for a next release: expand the current div-element with an option to enable or disable a lightbox on that image. That would make it available for more people then when a separate template has to be download, I guess?

I created a single image lightbox if you guys want to give it a go. Let me know if you’d like to see more or added features to these templates and we can go from there. Page template version

There’s enough features shared between the image element, parameters, and modals to need a new element. If we want to see more designs I’m happy to setup some templates we can add to the templates tab. Object-fit contain does a good job at handling the responsiveness of the image when the modal is open in my experience.

I’m not sure what you mean by the gallery inside a repeater. As in there are images in a repeater or you are looping a repeater then looping an ACF gallery?