Image carousel with photos of varying widths

Hi there.

Tried replicating: Slider with photos of varying widths
But I am missing something. As you will see on the bottom of the page :

There is excess whitespace between the slides, I am looking to reduce that to 15px to reach something as the attached image

(Image removed)

What to do, please? Credentials in secure note.

Hello @nblund,

Thanks for writing to us.

I checked your settings it seems that you have set the padding-bottom of the parent DIV element of the sider, I would suggest you please go to the slider DIV element and set the padding-bottom as “0”. Please have a look at the given screenshot in the secure note.


Sorry, I was not being precise enough. There were two sliders, but only one with a lot of space between the images. I was talking about this slider:

The other sliders has been hidden now. Would you please care to take another look?


Hi @nblund,

I have checked and found that the Object Fit of the Image is set to Contain, I would suggest you set it to Cover to get the result you are expecting.

Hope it helps.

Thanks @tristup. Mission accomplished.

Hi @nblund,

Glad that we are able to help you.


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