I'm receiving the message "Your license of Pro is not validated" with Pro Unlimited License

According to my Themeco account I paid for a Pro Unlimited license through to March 11, 2025. The subscription is active but this year’s payment hasn’t been made. As a result, in the WordPress admin I’m seeing a message saying that my license is invalid. According to my PayPal account the subscription was originally paid for on March 13, 2024 and is active so I imagine that the next payment won’t go out until March 13, 2025, i.e. tomorrow. The upshot is that there seems to be two days where the Pro Unlimited subscription isn’t valid.

This is a problem because the MEC Events Calendar is not working and I’m unable to update it to the latest version.

Hey @brendanlayton,

Thanks for reaching out!

I have conveyed your concerns to our administrator, and they have manually updated the payment status for tomorrow. The billing delay is likely the cause.

Thanks Marc. The payment for my Pro Unlimited subscription has now been processed.

That said, I was still seeing the “not valid” error message so I went to my Themeco account but I couldn’t locate the validation key (it’s not included in the domain info like it is for single licenses).

I ended up realizing that it is included in the url path, however that’s not very intuitive. Unless I’m missing something, my feedback would be to include the validation key in the domain info for each domain that’s listed under Pro Unlimited.


Hey @brendanlayton,

To see the license key for your Pro unlimited, you just need to click the Add New Site button.

Hope that helps.

Thanks Marc

Hey @brendanlayton,

You’re most welcome!