Icons not working properly - Icon List Item

The Icon List Item icons aren’t displaying correctly in the Contact section on the home page here:


Hello Claudio,

Thanks for writing in! This seems a bug in the latest release. Kindly add this custom CSS in Cornerstone > Theme Options > Custom Code > CSS as a quick fix:

.x-ul-icons li [class*=x-icon-] {
    text-indent: 0;

Kindly let us know how it goes.

Hi @ruenel,

That fixed it - assuming there’ll be a fix in the next update.


Hey guys,

When I change the phone icon to facing right it looks like this:


Hello @cdyproductions,

I checked your site it seems that the icon is rendering fine at the moment. It might be the issue of the browser cache. I would suggest you please clear your browser cache and recheck it.


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