Icon for login

instead of having the word “login” in the menu I would like to have a small icon. How can I do that?

Hi @waynepatt58,

Thank you for reaching out to us. To show an icon instead of menu label, go to Appearance > Menu expand your menu item and replace the menu item label with the following icon code in the Navigation Label field:

<i class="x-icon x-icon-lock" data-x-icon-s="" aria-hidden="true"></i>

You can find the icon code here: https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery

Hope this helps!

Thanks that worked. However I wanted to use the icon USER st changed the code to this;
x-icon x-icon-user
But the lock icon still shows up? have cleared all caches.

Hey @waynepatt58,

If you want to use the User icon, you should should be:

<i class="x-icon x-icon-user" data-x-icon-s="&#xf007;" aria-hidden="true"></i>

Please let us know if this works out for you.

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