HTTP 500 Error - Cornerstone

Hello, I need some serious help. I am not confident that my host will be able to fix this problem.

I upgraded to Wordpress 5.0 (huge mistake). The site went completely crazy and none of the theme’s styling worked anymore. I requested that my host restore the site to a week ago to undo the changes. They did and the styling is back, however now I have a homepage with no content. I can see the menu bar, but the images in the carousel are gone, as well as the content of the homepage itself.

When I log in to check the page via Cornerstone, I receive a HTTP 500 Error.


Update. I changed my homepage to be “Latest Blog Posts”, but the static page in question is still disabled. I see no content when I go to the page and am unable to edit in Cornerstone.

Hello Justin,

Thanks for asking. :slight_smile:

Please try increasing the memory limit and see how it goes. You can take a look at following tutorial to increase memory limit.

If you still have problems kindly get back to us with the result of the steps above and URL/User/Pass of your WordPress dashboard using the Secure Note functionality of the post to follow up the case.

Thank you.

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