HTML5 Validator CSS Error for grid-auto-flow: sparse

I am receiving the following validator errors on all of my posts. Example post is

I see the code in the webpage page source inside style “id=cs-inline-css”

I tried to override by inserting the following in Global CSS.

.mc2h-0.x-grid{grid-auto-flow:row !important;}
.mc2j-4.x-grid{grid-auto-flow:row !important;}

Unfortunately, it did not fix the issue. The above css was added to “id=cs-inline-css” but didn’t replace the existing css for that class.

How can I remove “sparse”?

Best regards

I think this is a hidden field right now and was probably used at some point, but is now always “Sparse”. Proper CSS looks like this should be nothing. We’ll get that removed or get a “packing” control field added in. You can remove for now, by changing the value in the screenshot through the dev tools.

That worked. Thank you!

Hey @jnlinn,

You’re welcome!

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