How to setup provider for data from previous page


I have built some FAQ posts that are accessed from a Product page. I would like to include a CTA on the FAQ posts that is based on what product page the user came from. How do I set up a provider with these conditions?


Hi Darren,

Thanks for reaching out.
It is not very clear how you are accessing the FAQ posts from the Product page, if you are using some link or buttons you can add some parameter to the URL and fetch that into the respective FAQ posts to identify the product from where it is coming.

E.G: <FAQ URL>?product_id=<product_id>

And then you can use the Dynamic Content tag {{dc:url:param key=“product_id”}} to get the product_id in the FAQ post.

Hope it helps.

Hey Tristup,

Thanks for the help. I am accessing the FAQ Posts from a button and have now added the parameter to the URL that fetches the product _id in the URL.

Do I now use the Provider or Consumer to get the Product Title, Product Description etc.?


Hi Darren,

If you want to show the details of that Product you need to use that product_id in the Query String and use the Looper Consumer to show the details.


Hi Tristup,

This is the query string I’m using in the provider:

{{dc:woocommerce:product_id}}={{dc:url:param key=“product_id”}}

What am I doing wrong here?


Hi Darren,

In the Query String you need to mention the post_type and the p i.e. post_id parameter and your Query String should look like the following one.

post_type=product&p={{dc:url:param key="product_id"}}

Hope it helps.

Thanks Tristup,

Works great! Appreciate the help.

The only issue I have now is the Product Feature Image seem to be coming in at very low resolution. Is there a way to force the highest resolution version of the image?


Hey Darren,

Can you share the page URL so that we can check on it? It would also be best if you could share with us your admin credentials. To do that, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • Page URL or Layout Builder Name

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Hello @DesignMunky,

I am seeing this:

The original image is loaded into your page. I would recommend that you check your original image instead.

See the secure note below.

Best Regards.

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