How to set a global line height for every blog post or page?

Hi guys,

How to set a global line height for every blog post or page?

By default, Icon uses 1.4 and I would like to change every blog post and page to 1.6 line height.

Thank you all in advance,

Hi Bruno,

Thanks for reaching out.

I don’t really understand what you are trying to achieve but if you are referring to social media icons, to change the line-height to 1.6, you need to add this code in your X > Theme Options > CSS

.x-social-global a {
 line-height: 1.6;

Please note that custom development is outside the scope of our support. Issues that might arise from the use of custom code and further enhancements should be directed to a third-party developer.

Hope that helps and let us know it goes.

Thank you.

Hi, @cramaton,

Thanks for your response.

Currently, I’m trying to set the body and content line height for my entire site, not the social media icons.

Because in X > Option > Typography I’m able to set content font size, but there is no option related to text line height.

How can I change this?

Thank you so much

Hi Bruno,

Regretfully there is no such option at the moment to set line-height from the Theme Options. You can override it by custom CSS code.


Thank you, guys!

You are most welcome!

hi guys,

I´ve just changed my whole site from “icon simple” to “integrity business”. so, I didnt remember the right css code to change body line hight to 1.7 for every page and post (default is 1.6).

could you please inform the css code so I change it in x > theme options > css?

best regards!

Hi Bruno,

By default, the line-height is set to the 1.7 for body, and there is no need to write any custom CSS for that.

Please let me know if you are trying to point out something else.

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