How to remove Pro Header bar shadow?

Hi. I can’t seem to find how to remove the bottom (i think) border/shadow on one of my header bars. I also checked the border/shadow on the next bar below thinking it might be a top border/shadow but it doesn’t appear to be the case. Screenshot attached and page reference is

Thank you

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Please Disregard. I figured it out that it was the entrywrap top-margin that needed adjusting. All good now

Glad you’ve sorted it out.


Hi. thought I had this figured out but now that I have moved the body down, I still have a shadow on the bottom to the header. I don not see a border shadow in uber menu and believe this would be coming from the header. I double checked the shadow settings on my lower navbar (second of two bars) and removed offsets and color but can’t figure out how to remove this. As you can see form the screenshot and at the uber menu covers the shadow (seems like a large area for uber menu to consume?) Anyway I figure the easiest way to make this look better is to remove the shadow.

Your guidance is much appreciated.

Hi There @dsthompson

Could you please try adding the following CSS rule into your X -> Theme Options > CSS area and see if that helps.

.e30943-12.x-bar, .e30943-17.x-bar {
    box-shadow: none;

Hope that helps.

perfect. thank you!

You’re welcome.

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