How to realign “page/post” structure of portfolio item

How to customize portfolio item “page/post” structure. also i want to change back to gallery icon (x-icon-th). Reference attached, i hope atleast customizing this wouldn’t be difficult as the page structure of ethos stack is same and its only the realignment, hoping for a positive answer from your side.

Hi There,

See the following guide first:

The title is part of this file: wp-content\themes\x\framework\legacy\cranium\headers\views\ethos\ _landmark-header.php. See the filter for x_is_portfolio() function on the file. Now to move that title on the new position, we have to move the content inside that filter to the template that display portfolio item which is this: \wp-content\themes\x\framework\views\ethos\ content-portfolio.php. The process is we have to copy the file we have to edit on the same folder of your child theme and then edit that file.

Hope this helps.