How to make a footer container take up a whole row without adding a new bar

I have a footer bar that has three containers in columns and a background image. I would like to add a forth container with copyright info and have it span the entire width of the bar below the other three columns but it keeps putting it in a fourth column. I don’t want to put in a new bar because I want it on top of the background image.

My header does this but I can’t figure out how (you guys did that for me).

Can you please tell me where the settings are to have the forth container make a new row? Thank you.

Here’s my staging site:
And here’s an example of how I want it to look

Hi @kcostellomak,

Thank you for reaching out to us. To make the fourth container a new row, simply inspect your container in Footer builder, under Self Flex, set Flex Grow to 1, Flex Shrink to 0 and Flex Basis to 100% (see screenshot)

Let us know how this goes!

Thanks but that didn’t work. It’s still a 4th column and the 100% squished everything to the left. There must be something else missing.

Hi @kcostellomak,

You also need to set the Bar’s Wrap Children option to on, so the 4th container will be forced to wrap since it needs a 100% width.

You might also need to adjust the bottom margin of your first container as it currently the 4th container’s gap between the other container is kind off.

Hope it helps,

It helped a lot! Now the fourth container is on it’s own row. And adjusting the margin on the first container made it all lay out the way I want. Thank you SO much!

You’re welcome!
We’re glad we were able to help you out.

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