How to import templates


With the new interface, i´m feeling a bit lost in so many basic tasks.
Now, I want to use a section template I saved, but can´t find a way to import it to an existing section.
When I go the the templates tab (on top) it doesn’t display any of the templates i already created.

What am I missing?

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Hello @CulturalInfusion,

Thanks for writing to us.

In order to import the saved template into the page content I would suggest you go to the page -->click on the Template Icon —>Library -->Sections–>Select the template. Please have look at the given screenshot below.


Hi @prakash_s

Thank you.
My question was more based on the old interface, where I added an element, and inspecting that element i could import the template to the existing element.
Rather then adding a template from scratch.


Hi @CulturalInfusion,

If you are referring to the Save Template and Load template, you can do the same by using the Make Section Template as shown in the given screenshot. And then you can add that from Templates > Library > Section as shown in the third screenshot.

Hope it helps.

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