How to get rid of right boarder in last menu item

Hello! How can I eliminate the right boarder from only the last menu item.

Let me know if a code is needed and if there is another way without needing a code as the team lead isn’t a fan of them for the site unless necessary.

Many thanks to all in advance!


Hi @DragonBridge,

Thanks for writing in! I have check your site and I am seeing this:

If you have added and removed the other menu, please put it back so that we can check it.


I put it on the COSMETIC page for you :slight_smile:

Hello @DragonBridge,

The border in the navigation settings take effect in all menu items. If you want to remove the border for the last menu item only, you will have to do it via custom css. Please find the “Customize” tab of the navigation inline element and insert this inline element css:

.x-menu-inline a {
    border-right: none !important;

Please let us know if this works out for you.

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