How to display correct category results on custom achieve layout page

Good afternoon,

I have built a custom main blog page and post page which I am happy with. The final step is my own custom achieve page - especially as I want the user to filter by category ie:


I have the title displaying correctly:

But the results are always the same no matter what. I know this is because in the post looper option I have the ‘Taxonomies’ at ‘Any’:

My question is - what do I change this too? As the categories could be a number of options

Is it a quarry string I should be using and if so, what should it be?

Thank you!

Hello Jason,

Thanks for writing to us.

You don’t need to set the Looper provider on the archive layout since the default WordPress loop is working there. I would suggest you please set the Looper provider as OFF and use only Looper consumer.


Good morning and thank you for the advice, works perfectly now!

Thank you!

Hi Jason,

Glad that we are able to help you.


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