How to create sidebar with photos and buttons

Hi Ashley,

It seems that you have selected a Page Template without a sidebar. You need to select a Page Template with sidebar option or Default template to show the sidebar on the page.

Regarding the Button styling, you need to add the custom CSS code to change the color and shape of it.


I selected the page temple content left - side bar right, and the side bar didn’t show up. Additionally, we do not want the content to have a container. As you can see, it shortened the accent line on the title of the page and reduced the size of the colored background.

Hello Ashley,

In your Cornerstone > Theme Options > Layout and Design, you have choose to have a “Fullwidth” content layout.

Because of the above setting, you cannot simply use the Content Left - Sidebar Right page template. You will need to change the content layout first in the Theme Options.

Kindly let us know how it goes.

Hi Ruenel,

The “Fullwidth” content layout is already selected in Cornerstone > Theme Options > Layout and Design. The Content Left - Sidebar Right is still not displaying.

Thank you.

Hey Ashley,

You need to change the “Fullwidth” to “Content/Sidebar” or “Sidebar/Content” first. Sorry for the confusion.

Hope this helps.

Got it, thank you!

Is there a way to have the sidebar begin at a lower point? I’d like the pink box with the title to stretch across the whole page, and the first image of the sidebar to begin alongside where the text begins with “congratulations…”

Hi Ashely,

That is not possible with the Default template you are using. You can achieve that by using the Layout Builder and using the pre-defined template with the Sidebar as shown in the screenshot and assigning it to the specific page or post.

I would suggest you go through the following article and videos on Layout Builder and Single Template and add widget areas into the sidebar.

Hope it helps.

This is a great resource! Thank you very much!

Hi Ashely,

Glad that we are able to help you.


How can I erase the grey in the background so the title, content, and sidebar are expanded to the full width of the page? I want it to appear like a normal webpage and not be separated with a grey background.

Thank you!

Hi Ashely,

I have checked your website and found that the page is coming in the full width and not showing the grey background. Please check and let us know if you still having the issue.



There is still a grey background on this page:

I would like there to be no grey background and the content to extend the full length of the page.

Thank you,

Hey Ashley,

Please edit your layout and separate the Rows with each own Section element. Each section must have its own background colors (#f6ebe4 and #fff).

Screen Shot 2021-11-20 at 8.39.09 AM

In your Row element settings, you need to enable the Global Container option.

Kindly let us know how it goes.

Thank you very much!

You are most welcome, Ashley.

Is it possible to add content above the footer but below “the content” that expands across the full width of the page? (aka into the sidebar section without being separated by a line?)

Hello Ashley,

You can simply edit your layout and add another section under the 2nd section.

Best Regards.

Sweet! Thank you!

Hi Ashley,

You are most welcome.

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