How to Create a Custom Grid Layout for Blog Home Page?

What’s the best way to achieve a blog/home page layout like the attached mockup?

It looks like The Grid or Essential Grid extension/plugin for X Theme might be able to do it. But I’m much more comfortable with Cornerstone.

Currently, I’m using the Icon stack with a masonry layout which is functional, but not ideal:

If you could point me in the right direction even I’d be very grateful.

Hi @gmcniel,

Thanks for writing in!

Unfortunately, there is no such option to make similar blog layout in the cornerstone.
Ethos stack having the option to make the magazine look layout but not the same that you are looking for.

You have to look for third-party plugins or customization to make the layout similar. You can try ESS grid for that.
Also, there is another plugin which might help you with this.

This is not official recommendation but you can try searching for different options.


Thankyou @basanta

That Ethos example looks good, closer to the result we’re going after, I’ll experiment with that in staging.

Essential Grid got me pretty close, but not quite there. And it also behaved a little buggy with Gallery and Video post types.

I’ll definitely check out that Blog Designer Pro.


You’re welcome, @gmcniel.

Well, Blog Designer Pro won’t do it. I’m trying to achieve a “cobblestone” style layout (as you saw in the screenshot). Any other ideas? Surely there must be a plugin that can do what I’m looking for.

Hello @gmcniel,

You may also check out The Grid plugin. It can be installed by going to X > Validation > Extensions.

Or check out the examples and documentation here:

Hope this helps.

I experimented with The Grid a bit, then chose to use Essential Grid… Both have a bit of a learning curve.

If you think The Grid is better, please let me know. I’ve asked the client if he’s willing to purchase Essential Grid since I was able to build a layout that is fairly close to what we had in mind. If I understand correctly, only Essential Grid has the ability to create a “cobblestone” style layout (as opposed to “even” and “masonry”).

Here’s the page I’m testing with:

What do you recommend? Proceed to purchase Essential Grid? Or is The Grid better?

Hi There @gmcniel

It’s up-to you to decide by checking certain features which fits your needs. For example, if you’re looking to create a cobblestone style template, you need to select Essential Grid (also check:

Once you check the examples on the documentation links provided above, you should be able to select one which suits your requirement.


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