How the get a background image to cover the whole footer area?

I can’t find a way to get a background image to cover the whole footer area.

This is the code I have at the moment but it only shows up the background image in the top colophon, not bottom:

footer.x-colophon { background-image: url(img-url); }

Thank you for any help!

Hi Minna,

Perhaps there is a CSS code that adds a while color background to the bottom footer area. Try adding this as well:

.x-colophon.bottom { 
    background-color: transparent; 

If the background image does not cover the bottom footer area still, please provide the URL of the site in question so that we can check it.

Thank you.

Thank you. That helped, now the image shows up on both top and bottom footer, BUT it is showing the images separately on both sections and repeating them too…when I wish to have just one full image covering both sections. Any ideas?

Hello Minna,

Thanks for updating the thread.

In order to stop the background from repeating, you can add following CSS into the code under X > Theme Options > CSS:

footer.x-colophon {
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

I tried looking at the websites and one of the website is having a coming soon page active. Is this the website in question over here? I also looked at other website and don’t see any issues with the footer. Please share the admin login details in secure note for us to take a closer look.


Thank you for the answer. Login details are below.
Also is it possible to have the background responsive?

Hi Minna,

I understand what you’re trying to do here, but that is not quite possible with just a CSS. As you can see the footer are two separate part x-colophon top and x-colophon bottom you can’t apply the same background on these div, I mean you can but not with one instance.

What you need to do is wrap that two x-colophon in one div and apply the background on that wrapping div instead. To do this, first you need to setup a child theme.

Then copy the file wp-footer.php on this directory \pro\framework\legacy\cranium\footers\views\ethos, copy that file to your child theme, same directory, create the folders/path if it does not exist.

Open/edit the file wp-footer.php that is on your child theme. Wrap the entire code of that file with a div with a class


<div class="mybackground">

Don’t forget the closing </div> tag at the bottom. Then save the file.

After that, to apply the background on that wrapping div, add this to your child theme’s style.css file or on Theme Options > CSS

footer.x-colophon {background-color: transparent !important;}
.mybackground {
    background-image: url(;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: cover;

Make sure your child theme is active then save.

Let us know how it goes,

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