How do i display a shop subcategory

I have a shop with categories and subcategories, and the normal woo commerce store displays the main page with the top level categories which you click on to see the next page with any sub categories and its products and so on.

I have set up wc template to display only categories by using the condition “product taxonomy - is - category” But that displays all categories and subcategories together.

How do i get a layout to display the sub categories and products within a a top level category.

All i seem to be able to do is show a page that shows top level and sublevel categories on one page. And no way i can get it to show just a page of sublevel categories as it does out of the box with the woocommerce layout

I would like set up pages that display
1 - All categories in a shop
2 - All Subcategories and products in a category
3 - All products in a subcategory

1 - Category - BRANDS
2 - Brand 1
3 - Product 1
3 - Product 2
3 - Product 3
2 - Brand 2
3 - Product 1
3 - Product 2
3 - Product 3
2 - Brand 3
3 - Product 1
3 - Product 2
3 - Product 3

I would like to say the help files on this are very limited, I thought the whole idea of pro was to make things easier for us non coders. I love how you are racing ahead with new features, but some more documentation on existing content would make it much more user friendly. Just my 10 cents

Hi @etah,

Thanks for reaching out!

It seems that this thread is similar to your concerns. You can check this out.

Hope that helps.

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