How do I change the color of my H2 heading?

How do I change the color of my H2 heading?

My H2 headings I add links to them (My settings are set to Pink when contains a link and blue for hover) but this only works on paragraph mode. When I add a link to any H2 tag the link is black and then pink when hover. I want my H2 tag to be Pink and blue when hover.

Hi Shamalee,

Thank you for writing in, please add this to Theme Options > CSS

h2 a {
	color: pink;
h2:hover a {
	color: blue;

Feel free to adjust those color value as you see fits.


That did not work … The title to all my blog post should be H1, so am not sure why my title would change after adding your code. Also if you look, you will see that my H1 tag is too big in the screenshot below. My blog is

So am having 3 issues

  1. H1 tag is too big
  2. It seems that I am not using an H1 tag as my post titles
  3. I want my H2 that contains a link to be pink and blue when hover

How do I fix?

Before applying the code (This should look the same after applying code)

After applying the code

My H1 tag is also too big

I want my H2 tag to look just like my paragraph with a link

Deep Pink #ff1493 rgb(255,20,147)
Deep Sky Blue #00bfff rgb(0,191,255)

Hey Shamalee,

Please add !important to the property values like this:

h2 a {
	color: pink !important;
h2:hover a {
	color: blue !important;

Regarding the single post title, it’s h1 out of the box.

You should not be adding h1 to in your content as the title is already h1. But if you insist, here’s the code you can add in Theme Options > CSS to modify the h1 font size inside the content area.

.entry-content h1 {
    font-size: 50px;

Please note that you should not have syntax errors in your existing custom CSS for those codes to work. The codes I’ve posted does not contain any errors so it will work. To test that in your site, temporarily remove all custom CSS in your site and pasted that code. You can also opt to check all your CSS in CSS validation sites like

Hope that helps.

Hey Shamalee,

Seems like you’ve withdrawn your post, let us know if you need any assistance.


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