How do I add a google site verification code?

I need to add a google site verification code. As I’m sure you’re aware, Google says to: “Copy the meta tag below, and paste it into your site’s home page. It should go in the (head) section, before the first (body) section.”

Well, I don’t know how to get to the actual code part of a page. All I can do is see it in Cornerstone. There is a thing called “CSS” in Cornerstone and I added the code there. But Google and Jetpack tell me they can’t find a google code on my site. (which is Would you please tell me where to add this code and HOW to get to wherever it is I need to add the code to, please?

Hi @LPWrites,

Thanks for writing in.

You can use plugin to add code in your header.

Let us know how it goes.


I downloaded this plugin. In the process, I noticed I had a plugin by Themeco installed called Google Analytics. I looked around until I found a check box turning on the Google Analytics option. That plug in is now asking met whether to position the code in the header or the footer and giving me a box to add the google analytics code. So - is this the same thing? Does this plugin take care of the same thing the plugin you recommended above?

Hi there,

Yes, should be the same and it accepts embed codes (HTML). Please try it :slight_smile:


the plugin recommended looks pretty solid (so this isn’t a comment on that).
but isn’t it better to just add it to the functions.php file of the child theme?

something like:

function custom_code_to_header() {
add_action( 'wp_head', 'custom_code_to_header', 99999 );</pre-->

in this fashion, you don’t have to worry about plugin updates or mysterious plugin functions that may occur.
or is sending people to the plugin easier support wise?

Hello @plashal,

Thanks for helping our community members. :slight_smile:

Absolutely, you can add verification code using scripts in child theme. However, sometimes setting up child theme and making changes in codes can be a bit tricky as not everyone is comfortable with Programing.

That’s where plugins come into the picture. Plugins like Insert Headers and Footers are relatively easy to use as they have a graphical interface that makes the experience a lot easy. If you look closely, searching for a plugin take extra bit of time. We share above plugin not because it’s easier for Themeco support but to make life of customers hassle free.

If a customer does not want to use plugin for some customization then of course we do have the option to make the changes using codes, like the one you have shared.

Again, I am happy and thanks that you took time out to help our community members. :slight_smile:


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