How Creatre a Looper COnsumer Quotes


Im trying to create a looper to use diffents randoms quotes in my post page.

Hi @360DigitalCo,

Thanks for reaching out.
We are not able to understand what you are expecting to do with the Looper Provider and Looper Consumer. I would suggest you go through the following article and video that explains the process.

If that is not the case and you are trying to point out something else, please provide any screenshot marked with the issue or any video that helps us to recognize the problem.



Im trying to use a creative way to include quotes in a layout. How to use a custom fields with a dynamic links, what will be the “code” {dc:XXX Custo field …etc},


Hello @360DigitalCo,

In case if you want to use the quotes in the layout you can use our Quote elements. Please have a look at the given screenshot below.

To use get the custom field data, you can use the dynamic content. Please have a look at the given screenshot below.

Here I am using an image element then I have “ON” the option to add a link to the image. You can click on the icon to get dynamic content–> Select the meta box (custom field)—>Click on the plus icon.

I have selected the post format’s link custom field (Post meta Link)

If you talk about custom field dynamic content code that code would be like this.
{{dc:post:meta key="_x_link_url"}}

Hope it helps

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