Home page landing issue

when going to my site this comes up:

when i want it to be pointed to this:

what am I doing wrong and also how can I make the entire background completely black and not that grey area? Thank you!

Hello @weddingcrashers,

Thanks for writing to us.

It is not possible to debug your issue with only a screenshot, I would suggest you please share your exact page URL so that we can check it on our end and guide you properly.


Here are the URLS

when typing in the website I want it show what’s on (https://damienmusto.com/home/)

Thank you

Hello @weddingcrashers,

It seems that you are using the default page template, in order to get rid of the padding and box-shadow from the page I would suggest you go to your page —>Settings—>Page template—>set it as "Blank - No Container | Header, Footer " Please have a look at the given screenshot below.

Test-Page-Cornerstone (34)

Hope it helps

That took care of the 2nd part of the problem. The 1st part though is when you type:
https://damienmusto.com it goes to this page:

when I want it to go to which is located at https://damienmusto.com/home/

Hi @weddingcrashers,

I have checked your website URL and found the page which you want to show as the Home page. Please let us know if you are still facing any issues with this.


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