I have created a hierarchical taxonomy. Posts with this taxonomy can have zero to many terms applied to them. I want to output the terms of that taxonomy in a post (I am using the Pro-provided element “Terms (minimal)”. The Looper query returns the terms in an array. This array has the length 1 when one term is applied, length 2 for two terms, and so on. The problem is when no term is applied to the post, then the returned array also has length 1, it is just that this first entry has nothing in it (well, it has BOOL(FALSE) in it). This can be seen in the following screenshot, showing the output of {{dc:looper:debug_provider}}. The “1” at the bottom of the screenshot comes from {{dc:looper:count}}.
I want to apply a condition to not show the Row with the terms when there are no terms. “Provider not empty” does not work as a condition, because the provider is never empty. “Looper Count” > 0 doesn’t work either, because the looper count is 1 for both 0 and 1 terms. Can you please point me in the right direction for an appropriate condition to use?