Hide header initially but keep visible if user scrolls back up


I’m using the Hide Initially option in my sticky header to hide it on scroll. It works fine, but when a user scrolls back up to the top of the page, it hides itself again.

I want the header to remain visible at all times after it has initially appeared. How can I achieve this?

Hi @mkob,

Thanks for reaching out.
What you are trying to do can be achieved using the multiple Bar. I would suggest you go through the following threads which explain the same.

Hope it helps.

Thank you for the info. Unfortunately, I’m not quite sure how these links are relevant. Again, I’m happy with the hide intially, but once it appears, I don’t want it to hide again when you go back to the top.

Hello @mkob,

Regretfully there is no option at the moment. It would require custom development. I would suggest you please get in touch with a developer who can assist you with your concerns or you may subscribe to One where customization questions are answered. Please note we don’t provide custom development support it is out of the support scope.

Thanks for understanding.