Help with building slider using ACF fields

Hi Team,

I’m building a property template and I’m trying to use a slider with dynamic content that pulls from an ACF repeater field (assigned to a Custom Post Type called Rental Properties).


I want to use ACF repeater fields to populate the content of a Cornerstone inline slider, where:

• Each slide represents one row from the ACF repeater

• The number of slides is automatically generated based on how many rows exist

• Each slide displays dynamic subfields like:

• bedroom_title

• bed_type

• ensuite_info

• extra_notes

Current Setup:

• ACF Repeater: Bedroom Slider | bedroom_slider

• Subfields: bedroom_title, bed_type, ensuite_info, extra_notes

• Cornerstone Slider (Inline Slider Component)

• I’m placing the Looper Provider on the Content Wrapper or Row. I’ve tried various combos of placing provider and consumer but seem to be getting my wires crossed.

Looper Provider → Dynamic Content: {{dc:acf:post_field field=“bedroom_slider”}}

• Then I add a Looper Consumer on the slide or inner Div inside the slide

• Each slide includes dynamic text elements like:

{{dc:acf:repeater_field field="bedroom_title"}}

{{dc:acf:repeater_field field="bed_type"}}

{{dc:acf:repeater_field field="ensuite_info"}}

{{dc:acf:repeater_field field="extra_notes"}}

The slides do not generate dynamically — I’m either seeing:

• No output at all

• Only one slide

I’ve verified:

• The ACF repeater has rows filled in

• Fields are named correctly and matched in both ACF and DC tags

What I Need:

  1. A confirmed working method to loop through an ACF repeater inside a Cornerstone inline slider

  2. Exact structure recommendation:

• Where the Looper Provider should go

• Where the Looper Consumer should be placed (i.e. slide container? slide wrapper? inner div?)

• How to structure the dynamic content inside the slide

  1. A simple working example or tutorial for this very common use case

Thanks so much — I’ve come across a few related threads in the forums as well as watched the 3 part youtube tutorial on ACF and looper, but would love an official walkthrough or demo to get this over the finish line.

Appreciate the help as always!

Hello Michael,

Thanks for the very detailed post information.

You will need to run a Looper Provider Dynamic Content {{dc:acf:post_field field="bedroom_slider"}}

And then in the Looper Consumer, you display the repeater fields with: {{dc:looper:field key="bedroom_title"}}.

Check out the demo slider I have maded in your Rental Property layout. By the way, I added a condition “Provider Output Is Not Empty” so that the slider will only display when there are entries for the Bedroom Slider.

Best Regards.

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Ok so I finally got back to this today and I want to say thank you soooo very much. This is exactly the functionality I needed but I was afraid was going to hold me back. Being able to enter all this data on the backend is perfect. Thanks again. Where should I send the flowers and wine?!