Help on Lawyer Demo site

Hi there, I uploaded the Lawyer demo site. I removed the vertical logo but now my header and nav bar aren’t centered. Any fix for this? Thanks in advance!

Hi Adrien,

Thank you for writing in, your site requires authentication, please provide us in a secure note so we can take a closer look.


I added a secure note, thanks!

Hi Adrien,

Thank you for the wp-login but I was referring to this authentication:


Sorry, forgot about that one! Sent an additional secure note. Thanks

Hi Adrien,

Thank you for the credentials, please add this to the Theme Options > CSS

.masthead-stacked .x-brand {
	margin-right: calc((50vw - (1170px / 2)) + 1em) !important;

That is also the value of page padding that you’re seeing in the left side, having that margin on the logo will offset that page left padding, so it should be centered.

Hope it helps,

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