Help- Cornerstone Not Working for me after updating

I updated to the latest version of X - the automatic link and then updated cornerstone and I cannot get one page to load the cornerstone.
I deactivated all plugins and the problem still remains.


Hello There,

Thanks for writing in! We have logged in but failed because your wp-admin page redirect us to the homepage. We even tried other ways to get to the login page. Still we are always gets redirected to the homepage. Do you have any security plugin? Please temporarily disable that plugin so that we can log in and investigate your issue.


When you bring up the wp-admin page fill in the username and password but then you need to read the google information underneath and do the click here and it will bring up the re-captcha and then you will be able to log in

Hi Mary,

I was able to login to your site and I have tested loading Cornerstone editor. Basically I was able to load Cornerstone editor without any issues (see secure note). Could you please try clearing your cache and re-test this issue again.

Also our developers have released another update, please update to the latest version before testing your site again.

Let us know how it goes.

Yes i agree it works on every page except the draft one.

Hi Mary,

Your X theme is one update behind, we just released version 6.2.3 (changelog). Try updating to that version and see if that resolves the issue.

The quick workaround would be, to open your page in Cornerstone, then set it to Publish. After Save Page Settings, do a hard refresh (Ctrl+R or Cmd+Shift+R).

Set it back to Draft after editing.

Hope it helps,

I updated the theme that did not fix the issue. The quick workaround works.
Thanks for your help

Hi @MerryWatson

I’ve checked your website and I can see there is a server error 500 generated whenever I try to edit a draft page with Cornerstone:

I recommend checking the server error log for more details about this error, you can contact your hosting provider to know where is the server error log file location, or you can edit wp-config.php file and replace this line:
define('WP_DEBUG', false);
define('WP_DEBUG', true); define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true); define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false);

Then try to edit a draft page again and check this file for any error message (/wp-content/debug.log).


I found errors on the debug log. How do I upload the file for you to look at?

Hi There,

They’re just the PHP notice messages, you can ignore them.

Please disable the revslider-featured-addon plugin to see this issue persist or NOT.

And also increase the PHP Memory Limit of your server. Click here for more detailed information and how to increase the PHP memory limit.

Let us know how it goes!

When I deactivate all of the slider rev plugins I can edit drafts in Cornerstone, BUT
now I can’t edit a published page in Cornerstone.

I added the code in the .htaccess file to increase memory limit.

Hi @MerryWatson,

It’s now displaying an internal error again, unfortunately, I couldn’t get the details of the error. Would you mind providing the latest content of your debug.log file? Or, please provide your FTP login credentials so we could check it anytime during the troubleshooting process.


I have sent the ftp info in a secure note.

Hey Mary,

Your setup seems fine and I’ve tried increasing the execution time and disabled the plugins involved in the debug.log but still the issue persists. Would you mind contacting your web host to investigate the Internal Server Error displayed in the console when you access Cornerstone? Also, try upgrading to PHP 7.

I recommend you keep the plugins I deactivated in their current state while we continue troubleshooting. If you can start over from a clean WordPress install though, this would rule out of there’s a conflict with your server and the theme.


I am away for the next couple of days. I will do a re-install on a testing site and advise you when it is complete. Probably on Friday of this week.

Let us know how it goes,


Would there be a way for me to use another X theme for me to use to set up the customers account and then transfer it over to the live site? The customer cannot have his site down while we try and figure this out. The current theme is registered to be used on this site only.

Hi There,

You can assign the new website to staging URL in your license:

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

I upgraded to PHP 7 and now everything works.

Hey There,

It good to know that the PHP upgrade works out for you.
We really appreciate for letting us know.

Best Regards.