Help addressing an issue with a plugin that is causing conflicts

Hi there,

I have a plugin we are using but the content isn’t displaying correctly when placed on a page in the Pro theme. I opened a ticket with the plugin developer and they asked how to to dequeue style sheets in Cornerstone/Pro. Is this something you can help me with?

Thank you,

Hi @sevenagesdesign,

Thanks for reaching out.
Dequeuing the style sheet will affect the overall design of your website. I would suggest you ask the plugin author to check and override the styles that are affecting.
Please remember that custom coding-related questions are beyond the scope of Theme Support, I would suggest you hire a developer who can assist you to do the customization or you can avail of our newly launched service called One, where we answer the questions beyond normal theme support.


Hi thank you for your response. I received this back from the plugin developer can you provide any insight here:

“Does Pro have specific filters or hooks to dequeue those scripts from their theme? If they can provide the list of handlers that would be very helpful.”

Thank you,

Hi @sevenagesdesign,

Unfortunately, we don’t have such hooks. Still, I will check with our development team and let you know if anything is available on this or not.


Ok thank you please let me know

Hi @sevenagesdesign,

Will let you know.

Hi there I actually figured this out but I’m having an issue that the page looks correct when I’m logged into Wordpress but if I load it in an incognito window, the page does not display correctly. Can you take a look? I have this on a staging site at the moment before I put it on the live site.

Hi @sevenagesdesign,

If it is only occurring when you are not logged in, that means it is due to the server-level cache. I would suggest you contact your Hosting Service provider to clear it and check if that resolves your problem or not.


that fixed it! thank you for all of your help here

Hi @sevenagesdesign,

Glad that we are able to help you.


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